Saturday, 21 May 2011

Swordfish Template

I break everything I touch,
everything I touch breaks;
I rip legs from spiders because I am cruel
I break hearts of girls by loving them all.

Steel and smoke
or razors and rain.
Everything I touch breaks,
I break everything I touch.

I whistle bull sonatas at thin glass to hear it shatter,
and deliver honesty in wicked deliverance.
Curdling cherished memories into goose pimpled skin
to slice them like ham, to shred.

Grant skills to dig the soil in earnest
from fevers and convulsion;
the hybrids blow ghosts into velvet devils
kid corpses meet zombie farms.

I break everything I touch,
everything I touch breaks.
I eat hearts because I love life so much,
I crush snails because I love death...

@ Steven Francis poems 2011

Monday, 16 May 2011

Tail Whipped

Was that monsieur Death I felt around my collar?
Attempting to sneak up behind the grease and spit
of the wineless glass?
Was that thief Death I saw?
Herr Black, skulking in the wings
waiting to toss me into raven pits.
A dark fist swirling like a bee
in hope for honey marrow in my mucas brain,
as I stumble to doors of tranquility on my wet lips.
Lead on skull man,
to bats and lunar doors lead on...

@ Steven Francis poems 2011

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Vasa Deferentia

All giddy tags
those skinny bubbles of lycra air,
clinking together like lobster jaws
toasting another thin regime.
The popes and charmers love it!
Milk skinned head butts into plastic cupped lanterns,
lights to herald the silk fronted skin slaps...

@Steven Francis poems 2011